Sunday, August 11, 2013

How do you recover from a walking tour of Prague...with a volksmarch of course!

Believe it or not, I have lived in Germany for two years and have never gone on an official volksmarch, until today. Crazy, I know...on so many levels crazy, to include crazy that I never have and crazy that I choose the day after returning from walking all over Prague for 3 days as my day to start doing official volksmarches.

So, we were up and going early this morning to make the drive to Uchtelfangen (which is over in Saarland). Luckily, we got an early start and it was somewhat overcast, so the weather was good. My aching calves weren't so happy with the first part of the walk though, since it was mainly uphill, but I pushed through, along the way stopping for a few pictures. Ok, I admit, I did not do the 20K path...only the 6K path, but I am sure throughout the past few days I have walked at least 20K...and I did get my official stamp saying I completed the path today :)

Prague Day 3: part 2 the castle and the heat left but the rain, rain, rain, came down, down, down

Continued from part 1. So we made it to the top of the stairs, had a little snack of honey cake, and off to the Castle fun (or at least part of it). First stop, St. Vitus Cathedral which is the largest and the most important in Prague. The coronations of Czech kings and queens took place here but it is also the site of interment of patron saints, sovereigns, noblemen, and archbishops. While not ornate like the Church of St. Nicholas, it is beautifully ornamented with stained glass.

The next stop was the Kralovsky Palace, which didn't really have much...but a wonderful panoramic view of the city, well that and a nice ceiling.

The next stop was St George's Basilica

And back onto the streets...back view of St Vitus (below)

back view of St George's
 After a brief little walk we came to the Golden Lane...this is an area that represents some of the homes and establishments (including homes, taverns, a mystic, etc)

Then came the walk down the hill from the castle...not sure which was worse the walk up or the walk down :) but great views

OK, so previously I posted picture from the original and the typical Czech restaurants, so had to also post this one from the traditional Czech restaurant.

On the way to Charles Bridge. We had a little wait time going across the bridge. A big storm started which included thunder and lightning so close it was kind of nerve wracking. Luckily with so many tall buildings, including churches, we knew there had to be lightning rods aplenty...but I did find out that my lovely colorful umbrella from the PTSO leaks (not good)...but once the rain slacked off a bit and it was really no more than a sprinkle, we made our way across the bridge that spans the Vitava River. There are many statues along the bridge, some that are meant to be rubbed for good luck and such (you can tell which ones because the patina is rubbed off).

And onto the other now just some different pictures from different scenes

And to end our time in Prague, since we leave early in the morning, what is better than finishing how we started, so we went for the chicken dinner and a beer, just like we had for lunch the first day (yes, the chicken is that good).

As a little side thing, in the evening the police and tow truck guy were really busy on the street across from our hotel. I guess they dont just ticket, they take your car if you are parked illegally. Anyway, I never saw a car towed quite like this, and boy are they quick, so thought I would share...